I love when we joke about being obsessed with each other
there is nothing like the " am I pregnant" anxiety to spice things up . especially when a couple days ago your friend tells you how his ex got pregnant and now all your advertisements are for pregnancy tests and diapers
why do we fall in love? why do we hold on so tightly?
Let go
let go
let go
mom, how do I let go?
today I am thinking about you
we are sitting next to the river , I think you held my hand
you where a bright shining star
until I realized you where just a plane passing by
learning alchemy .. learning peace.. shanti shanti shanti
we live with ourselves knowing that we broke so many hearts
with a knowing that we must keep going .. log on .. log off... log on... log off...
I wish the last time I held your hand I dug my nails into your skin , I wish you bleed and wept, but I wasn't able to , I still dont know if I would be able to.
There is a light in my heart that now just feels like fire, lighting always neutralizing , how to catch the strike? how to use it , learning alchemy... learning peace... shanti shanti shanti
the sunset fills the sky and it is miraculous
there are ebs and flow in the silly life of mine. What remains is the truth that the only real wealth of a human being is living.
update : life has been so good and my heart is so full. I am falling in love again and again and again. I see myself in everything and mirror for people the best that I can . Life is so beautiful and clouds cover the sky like paintings.
I really need a friend right now
I think I made 3 new friends , but of course I leave next week... the universe laughs at me
fuck you
I had to ship my cat away
my cat escaped
Today I think convinced my friends 8 roommates to allow me to live in their dining room , even still they insist I only have a tiny corner for the same rent as they are paying.
my house caught on fire and the only saved my cat
hm.. I am curious to if this one will stick
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